9 Life-saving Tips About Juicers

Omega J8004 Nutrition Center Commercial Masticating Juicer

Omega J8004 Nutrition Center Commercial Masticating JuicerIf the Reason
You got into juicing is to reclaim your health, it would be wise to go for a juicer
That will give you the most nutritious juice every single time. Nutrition alone
Would be an overriding big reason for picking the Omega J8004 juicer, but wait
Until you see the remainder of its beautiful features.
You might be thinking that this juicer looks a lot like this one, and you are right! It's
Precisely the same functionality wise, the only difference is the color, and the price.
The Omega j8004 nutrition center commercial masticating juicer is one of the
Best valued masticating juicers available.
This juicer is another best seller on amazon, thanks to the quality of juice it yields,
and the value is presents. Let's take a closer look at this Gorgeous masticating
Masticating juicer -- This juicer is a masticating type and so far more
efficient than centrifugal juicers.
produce for maximum juicing efficiency.

System which is able to do many things besides juicing.

Low speed, high-efficiency juicing mechanism -- The low speeds of only 80 RPM
Extracts juice without creating froth or generating heat, giving you juice that is
fresher in taste and superior in nutrition.
High-powered motor -- This juicer comes equipped with a gear reduction that is

Then squeeze it to get the highest yield while ejecting the driest pulp.
Maximum efficiency for leafy greens -- This juicer is efficient enough to press
Nearly all of the juice out of hard-to-juice leafy greens like wheat-grass and
kale. It does it extremely well
15-year Warranty -- You can't argue with that.
The Good:
Unbeatable Efficiencymasticating juicer reviews

Sophisticated auger methods work together to create a very efficient juicer that
Can work with just about any sort of produce. You can confidently feed any fruit or
Vegetable within this juicer with absolute peace of mind it will extract all the

Premium Juice Quality
The low speeds ensure that juice is free of unsightly and gross-tasting froth or
foam. Juice tastes and looks much better than that produced by cheaper
centrifugal juicers.
Little heat (if any heat at all) guaranteeing juice that has all of the nutrients and
enzymes intact. Juice also keeps fresh for up to 72 hours as There's no froth that
could lead to oxidation. This means you can make juice in bulk and save it for
later, a luxury you don't have with a centrifugal juicer.
Maximum Juice yield
This highly-efficient juicer may cost you a little more at the outset but in the long
Run, you can get back your initial expense in terms of the produce that you save. You
See, compared to any centrifugal juicer, this Omega Nutrition Center juicer
Extracts a greater volume of juice out of the same amount of produce.
Multiple Capabilities
This is not simply a juicer. This is a hardworking, multi-tasking kitchen gadget that
Will give you a good deal of food processing possibilities. It will let you make your
own baby food, pasta, sorbets, soy milk, nut butters and freshly-ground spices,
herbs and flour. This is the reason why It's known as a Nutrition Center instead of
Just a juicer.
Despite its multiple purposes, this juicer works so quietly as to not disturb a
sleeping baby. You can juice early in the morning without fear of rousing up
Unmatched Durability and warranty
Where else can you find warranty that extends to 15 years? This juicer offers
absolute peace of mind in return for your investment.
The Bad:
The wide range of capabilities of this juicer would seem unnecessary for those
Who simply need a juicer and nothing else. The 6-part construction may also
prove to be a challenge during assembly, disassemble and clean-up. If your
Looking for something simple, maybe this centrifugal juicer is more suited for you.
Longer Waiting Times
Unlike centrifugal juicers which spew out juice in a matter of minutes, this juicer
operates at low speeds which lengthens your waiting time.
Best suited for:
The Omega J8004 Nutrition Center is best suited for those who ask a Lot More
from their juicer. With its masticating mechanism that is well known for
efficiency, this juicer works hard at squeezing the most juice from the least
amount of produce. This is the go-to juicer for Those with special health
needs and demand nutritionally superior juice. This is also the juicer of choice for
Those who want a juicer that works other functions besides -- such as churning
Butters and making pastas for example.
If you're passionate about juicing leafy greens like wheat-grass or kale, you
Would be mad to select another sort of juicer (apart from one of the nutrition
center family)
Instead, if you have had a look at this juicers big brother, the Omega j8006
Nutrition center juicer, but were a little turned off by the purchase price, this one is a little
Less dear, so it may be the best one for you.
Not so great for:
This juicer may not be so great for newbies in juicing who are still unwilling to part
With a little additional money for a high quality juicer. The relative complexity of this
Juicer may also intimidate those that are technically challenged. If you just want a
simply fruit juice made from simple fruits, this one isn't for you.
The verdict:omega masticating juicer
We liked this juicer so much, we think it scores equal first with its big brother (the
omega j8006 Nutrition center juicer) as the best masticating juicer on the market.
The raving customer reviews simply do not lie.
If your utmost priority is your health, you should give through consideration to
this efficient, durable and versatile juicer. You will get juice that always tastes
Fresh, does not have any foam, keeps well for up to 72 hours and is teeming with all the
Nutrients and antioxidants that you require.
You will be confident that anything you put into it will have the maximum amount
of nutrition squeezed out of it. Its food processing capabilities and ultra-efficiency
Will let you recoup your initial investment in no time.


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